Dog Language in Daily Life
Dog Calming Signs in Common Daily Situations
If dogs have not lost their means of communication because of human
influence and still use them in daily life with other dogs, they always
understand each other that prevents their conflicts. This way dogs, as
well as wolves, are very peaceful beings and people are the major reason of conflicts
they are involved in. We will view calming signals
of dogs more detailed here. When, why and how they are used. With these
knowledge you will understand your dog and become for it a good
"parent". It will also help you to organize your daily life with a dog
better, and of course its training.

You have probably noticed the signals your dog is showing you in daily
life and common situations. Remember a usual day. You wake up early in
the morning in low spirits and tell to your dog with notes of irritation
in your voice. A dog turns its snout by its side to you and quickly
licks its nose. You take a shower, get dressed and go to the door. A dog
is happy, that it is going walking, and running around your feet. You
command: "Sit!". Commanding tone makes a dog yawn before it sits. You
are taking a collar on a dog, and go out. A dog is slightly pulling on a
lead. You make a little sharp pull and a dog turns to you and puts its
nose lower to the ground.
In the park you are walking your dog off leash several minutes before
your clock shows you the time to go back home. You are calling your
dog. Are your nervous? Your voice becomes a little irritated. A dog steps slower and makes an arc coming up to you. The slow moves of
your dog make you more irritated. It seems to you that your dog makes it
in order to irritate you more. That's why you begin to shout. A dog
smells the ground, makes a larger arc with its steps, turns away from
you and tries not to look at you. At last it comes to you and you shout
at it or even worse, grab and shake it. A dog turns its snout from you,
licks its nose or yawns.
It is a short story of only one morning situation. But we can go forward
describing a usual day step by step and all the situations when a dog
tries to calm down you with its calming signals.
A dog is using these signals each time when it is needed to calm down.
Signals is the dog language. Sometimes calming signals are so invisible
and quick, that the handler should be very attentive to notice and
interpret it. That's why it is needed to train a little to understand
what signal needs more attention and interpretation the same way dogs
and even other animals (i.e. cats) understand it.
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